Wednesday, June 11, 2008


‘Doing Time Doing Vipassana’

Wednesday 18th June, 7.30pm @ Tree House Café, 2 Ashgrove, Great Horton Rd. Bradford (opposite University). (55mins). Entry FREE

A second showing on: Saturday 28th June, 7-9pm , Kirkgate Community Centre, Kirkgate, off Shipley town square (a few minutes walk from Shipley station). Film will be followed by Q&As. Entry FREE.

DTDV documents the introduction of Vipassana meditation into one of the world’s largest prisons, Tihar Jail in New Delhi. Winner of the San Francisco International Film festivals 1998 Golden Spire Award, the film, through interviews with warden, guards and inmates, explores how Vipassana has transformed the jail and changed lives.

Vipassana meditation is a straightforward, practical technique to dissolve inner tensions, agitations and negativities and lead a more positive, balanced, peaceful life. It is a technique of mental purification through self observation. Vipassana is a universal, non-sectarian technique practised by people of any religion and those of none. Courses are offered freely.

For more information, contact:

Simon: 07951 515927


Funding Crisis? Saving your organisation, a one-day workshop
This workshop is being run twice on: Thursday June 26th or Monday July 7th

A number of Bradford's voluntary organisations are facing closure or the possibility of making staff redundant at present. This seems to have come about following dramatic changes in the local funding environment such as:
* the ending of some funding regimes (e.g. NRF and ERDF)
* restructuring in Bradford Council
* the winding up of Bradford Vision
* mergers in local NHS organisations (notably the PCT)

This one-day workshop will cover a number of courses of action you might wish to take - we will not be pushing any particular line of action - that is up to your group - but we will introduce you to the skills and information you will need:
* How to keep in touch - who to contact to find out what's going on, what funding is available and what help you can get
* How to go about lobbying and campaigning against closure or cuts in your funding
* How to go about merging your organisation with another voluntary organisation or forming a consortium with other voluntary organisations (and what the TUPE (transfer of undertakings) legislation says about this
* How to conduct a fair and just redundancy procedure.

The workshop is FREE and lunch is included.

Both workshops are being held at the Arts and Resource Centre, home of BRC (Bradford Resource Centre & Community Statistics Project), 17-21 Chapel Street, Bradford BD1 5DT.

Contact BRC (01274 779003 or to book a place on one of these sessions.

Delivered by PERS (Pay and Employment Rights Service), BRC (Bradford Resource Centre & Community Statistics Project) and ABCD (Action for Black Community Development).

Organised by the B-Supported Consortium (funded by the Big Lottery Fund)


Using Social Statistics one-day course:
Tuesday 8th, Monday 14th & Monday 21st July 10am-4pm.
Tutor: Mike Quiggin & Bal Athwal

Campaign skills one-day course:

Wednesday 9th, Thursday 17th & Tuesday 22nd July 10am-4pm.
Tutor: Peter Dwyer

Introduction to research methods one-day course:

Friday 11th, Wednesday 16th & Thursday 24th July 10am-4pm.
Tutor: Britta Kristensen & Bal Athwal

Finding market information for social enterprises one-day course:

Friday 18th July
10am-4pm. Tutor: Mike Quiggin

Promoting your group on the internet: A beginners guide, 2 half days:

Wednesday 23rd July, 10am-1pm & Monday 28th July, 1pm-4pm.
Tutor: Britta Kristensen

For further information and booking contact:
Bal / Britta @ Bradford Resource Centre. Telephone: 01274 779003.
Email: /


Leading from the front line:
A workshop on empowering approaches to building leadership
in community organisations

10.30 am to 3 pm Wednesday July 9th 2008.
St George’s Centre, Leeds

Empowerment is now high on the agenda in the Third Sector but what does it mean in practice? bassac believe empowering leadership is about emphasising the value of involvement, equality and collective activity. This workshop is based on recent research on how community organisations are supporting the growth of leadership within their organisation and for the communities they serve. It will look at practical methods of empowerment and a framework that can be applied to your work. The workshop will be participative in style and act as a place to share your ideas and experiences.

The workshop is for:
* Staff, trustees and managers from community organisations and development trusts
* Volunteers and experienced members of community groups
* Community and development workers
* Anyone from Third and public sector organisations interested in building community leadership.

Workshop aims:
* To share the findings of the recent research on empowering approaches to building leadership in communities
* To look at how we can apply this to our own work
* To contribute experience and ideas to the future use of the empowerment framework.

The research was carried out principally in Yorkshire and the Humber in late spring 2008 for bassac and the Community Alliance; workshop participants will receive a copy of the draft report prior to the workshop.

The workshop will be run by Steve Skinner, an experienced trainer and community worker who carried out the research. Steve wrote Leadership in Communities for bassac in 2007 available on

Maximum 20 places – book early! Please book your place by July 1st

To book, contact:

The workshop is FREE and lunch is included. The venue is wheelchair accessible.

Tatum Yip Regional Manager (Yorkshire and Humber), bassac
Direct: 0113 394 2316 Fax: 0113 394 2301
c/o Regional Forum, Suite 10D, Joseph’s Well, Hanover Walk, Leeds, LS3 1AB

Calling for Change - The Evidence for Supporting Community Voices to Speak Out
Download bassac's new voice research findings: