Thursday, July 31, 2008


Bradford CVS, like many local VCS organisations, has received an invitation to take part in a focus group which will feed into the local authority's review of (its relationship with) the sector. We reproduce this invitation, in slightly edited form, below:

Bradford Council is currently reviewing its relationship with the Third Sector. The aim of the Review is to see how, by working better together, we can maximise the difference we make to people in the District.

One of the themes of the review is to explore the Role and Function of the Third Sector within the Bradford District and identify what is working well, what could work better, and the types of things the council and our partners, including the VCS, could be doing to strengthen organisations like yours.

As part of the Review, we would like to invite yourself, or someone else from your organisation, to participate in a focus group. We would like to hear from you what the current situation is for organisations like yours. This will give your organisation an opportunity to contribute your views and will help the Review Team to set some recommendations that will ultimately help strengthen your role within the District.

The Focus Groups will run on 19th August 2008, at Carlisle Business Centre. There will be two sessions, 2.30 – 6.00 pm and 6.00 – 8.30 pm. A light tea will be available and we can offer to pay any travel and childcare costs you may incur by participating in this focus group.

If you would like to participate please email
by Friday 8 August 2008 indicating which session you will be attending. If we have not heard from you by this date we will assume you do not wish to attend. Please advise Sue, when replying to this invitation, of any access issues or special dietary requirements.

For more information about the Review please contact Sunil Pujara on 01274 434989.

Monday, July 28, 2008



Are you concerned about support for your IT systems ?
Do you want to improve your support ?

We are holding a short meeting on Wednesday August 6th 2008 at 1pm
to discuss issues such as:

~Problems faced by small voluntary organisations
~Keeping up to date
~Refurbish or Recycle ?
~Technical Assistance
~Training issues etc. etc.


If you want to attend please contact:

Peter Tate, (Voluntary Organisation Support Officer, Bradford CVS), 01274-412045 or text 07946 505358.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Black History Month - small grants

Grants of up to £500 are available for running activities to celebrate and promote Black History Month (October). Applications should show how the project/activity will help achieve the key objectives of the district Cultural Strategy (

For further information about the fund, please contact Bobsie Robinson at Bradford Council or telephone 01274 431922.

The deadline for applications is 31 July 2008.

Win a Barclays Premier League Player

A marketing/ funding opportunity:

If you can think of a way of involving a Barclays Premiership football player in promoting your group, then there is the opportunity to enter this competition to win a player's help for a day plus a £4,000 donation to your cause.

The competition is open to community groups, charities and schools.

The deadline for entries is Friday 1 August 2008.

For further information please visit

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Asian Disability Awareness Action in Bradford (ADAAB) is holding a Health and Disability Awareness Event. The event aims to help raise awareness of what services in relation to health and disabilities are available to residents within Bradford and District. The event will also be opportunity for voluntary and community organisations to interact and network with each other.

Health and Disability Awareness Event starting at 10.00am on Thursday 24th July 2008 at the Pakistan Community Centre, White Abbey Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD8 8EJ. Lunch will be provided.

If you would like to attend, require further information, or if you would like space for a display at the event, please contact:

Amar Latif on (01274) 733678,

Friday, July 04, 2008


Social Networking - How can it help my learners?

A FREE course running at Forster Community College

Wednesday 16 July 2008 (9:30am – 1pm)

Do you have learners who are difficult to engage?

Are your vocational learners employed in different locations who need to be working with each other?

Do you need to evidence activities quickly and easily in one place?

The course will introduce social networking sites, explore their possible use to aid learning and start you off developing your own social network there and then!

For further details telephone 01274 308707 or call in at Captain Street, Bradford, BD1 4EL.

Forster Community College – School of Management Practice: Innovation and Support for the Third Sector

IN A NUTSHELL (18 July 2008)

An event about e-learning, Quality and CPD in a nutshell.

Aimed at new and existing VCS learning providers, the event will enable you to stay ahead with the new learning landscape. In a Nutshell, will cover what community trainers need to know regarding professional registration, the new qualifications structures for trainers, putting the learner at the centre, the use of MIS, developing e – learning and getting an overview of what is going on.

At Carlisle Business Centre on the 18th July at 9.30-12.30

followed by lunch and networking.

The new learning landscape will have a dramatic knock on for all learning providers. Whether you are an existing provider or you are thinking about providing learning you need to know about the new ideas affecting the provision of learning.

To book a place contact or visit or telephone 01274 735844.