Thursday, May 01, 2008


On the 6th March, the Home Secretary published the National Identity Scheme Delivery Plan 2008

From 2008, Government will start to issue the first identity cards in the form of biometric immigration documents to foreign (non European Economic Area) nationals.

In the second half of 2009, Government will start to issue cards to British and foreign nationals (including European Economic Area citizens) working in sensitive roles or locations (e.g. airport workers).

From 2010 Government will issue identity cards on a voluntary basis to young people to assist them in proving their identity as they start out their independent life in society.

From 2011/12 Government will start to enrol British citizens at high volumes offering a choice of receiving a passport, identity card or both.

Home Office Minister, Meg Hillier, is hosting a number of consultation events around the country: Reading on 6 May, London on 7 May, and then Birmingham, Newcastle, and Wales.

If you are interested in attending, please email:

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