Friday, May 02, 2008


Myplace grants for youth facilities - programme launches 6 May

The Big Lottery Fund is managing a new programme on behalf of the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) to work with young people to deliver youth facilities. Myplace will offer grants of between £1m and £5m. Projects must deliver on all four of the following outcomes:

1. More young people, parents and communities feel that young people have exciting and safe places to go in their leisure time where they can get involved in an attractive range of activities
2. More young people, particularly the most disadvantaged, participate in positive leisure time activities that support their personal and social development.
3. More young people have access to information, advice and support services from within places they feel comfortable.
4. Stronger partnership working between local authorities, third, private and public sector partners to plan, deliver and operate financially sustainable youth facilities with and for young people.

The programme will be launched on 6 May. Regional workshops are being held during May, with the Yorkshire and Humber event on the morning of Tuesday 13 May in Huddersfield.

More information is available from the BLF regional office in Leeds, tel: 0113 224 5301.

In Bradford District a strategic group is in place called the Youth Matters Next Steps Group. This group is within the Children & Young People's Strategic Partnership, has identified this funding and is preparing to bid. VCS representatives, including Kerr Kennedy from Bradford CVS, attend this group and will be promoting VCS interests.

VCS groups interested in putting forward a project to go into this partnership bid should contact Kerr as soon as possible with their ideas. It is likely that there will only be one bid from Bradford district.

Kerr Kennedy can be contacted at Bradford CVS on 01274 722772 or by email

An information leaflet on the fund can be viewed on the Big Lottery Fund website at:

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