Tuesday, May 06, 2008


JUST West Yorkshire is inviting you to sign up to their response to the government’s proposal to introduce a National Identity Scheme. (http://www.ips.gov.uk/identity/downloads/national-identity-scheme-delivery-2008.pdf)

As a racial justice and human rights organization they are concerned about the steady erosion of civil liberties which is having a disproportionately negative impact on Black and minority ethnic communities.
The government’s insistence on rolling out the scheme despite wide opposition from leading human rights organisations, the Law Lords and the Conservative and Liberal Democratic parties is indicative of the government’s resolve to press ahead with its implementation despite deep disquiet about the proposed plans.

In response to the government’s consultation on the proposals, JUST has prepared a position statement and set out the arguments for opposition to its implementation.

The consultation period ends on 30 June 2008.
For more on the National ID Scheme, see our previous post: http://briefingbradford.blogspot.com/2008/05/national-identity-scheme.html

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