Tuesday, May 27, 2008


The Who, What, Where, When and Why of Practice based Commissioning:
A conference for the Voluntary & Community Sector in Bradford and Airedale

17th June 2008 • 12.30 – 4.00pm • Great Victoria Hotel, Bradford

The introduction of Practice based Commissioning presents opportunities for the Voluntary and Community Sector to both provide and influence local services. Find out how at this half-day conference.

Winning contracts requires an understanding of the local commissioning priorities and the processes that drive it. This half-day conference will give delegates a clear understanding of:

• The Strategic and funding relationships between statutory bodies and the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) in the Bradford District
• The role of Bradford and Airedale tPCT as purchaser of services and the role of the VCS as the provider of services
• What Practice Based Commissioning is and how it works in the Bradford District
• The commissioning process, priorities and requirements
• The future role of the VCS in the design and delivery of tPCT services

The conference is an invaluable opportunity for VCS organisations to network with commissioning managers. This is a Bradford and Airedale district-wide event for voluntary sector organisations and community centres that deliver health activities or projects.

You must complete a booking form to reserve your place. Please do not just turn up on the day. Places are allocated on a first come first served basis. We will confirm your place on receipt of the booking form.

This conference is FREE to members of HealthNet (£25 to non-members). Membership of HealthNet is FREE.

You can join by indicating this on the booking form or contact us by phone: 01274 722772 or email: health@bradfordcvs.org.uk

HealthNet, Bradford CVS, Sunbridge Road, Bradford, BD1 2AY.


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