Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Setting up a childcare business isn't "child's play", come and listen to the experts and see what support and assistance is available

Date: Thursday 22nd May 2008
Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm
Venue: Carlisle Business Centre, Bradford BD8 8BD

* What is childcare - governments agenda and the childcare legislation
* Working in childcare - children's workforce
* Bradford childcare market - childcare sufficiency
* Childcare Business
* Choosing and finding childcare
* Open question and answer session
* One to one information and advice.

We assess your individual needs and help you take your idea forward.
We provide dedicated business mentors and advisors to give you tailored
We give continued support from start up to growing your business.

To book a place or for more information, please contact Shelley on:
T: 01274 223347 or E:

For more information about the SOW Project contact Attia or Fozia at Digitalife on:
T: 01274 223 347 or E:

For further information about Bradford Kickstart:
T: 0800 953 9503

Related links:


UCAN has a volunteer who is studying as a 2nd year research student in the School of Informatics and wants to gain more experience within the local community relating to data and statistical analysis. He has the skills, but wants more experience in handling a variety of real world data.

Please contact Krzysztof Poterlowicz on
if you could make use of his skills. Please cc me in your email:

Friday, April 25, 2008


This document can now be downloaded from the Publications page in the News section of the Keighley Voluntary Services website:

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Do you provide ICT services to your local community?
Do you have learners who find it difficult to use a computer?
Operate a mouse, keyboard or struggle to view the screen?
Do you have learners with disabilities?

AbilityNet are looking for voluntary and community organisations to join the Switched On Communities project within Yorkshire and Humber. 10x VCOs will each receive a mini kit of adaptive hardware and assistive software worth over £500.00. Up to 2 of your representatives will receive training on using the kit, plus the opportunity to receive further training on specialised subjects such as supporting learners with dyslexia, visual impairments, physical disabilities, etc.

You will receive support from AbilityNet and our Community Partner (Foresight, Grimsby). This includes advice, full assessments for individuals who need more specialised support and access to our equipment loan bank. We aim to increase the capacity of your organisation, your services, your staff and volunteers to better support your local community.

If you would like to join the Switched on Communities project or would like more information, please contact Vihing Lee, E: M: 07939 926361.



Consultation event, single issue group funding 15 May 2008

From the Regional Forum's website:

Cohesion Guidance for Funders / Consultation Event for BME, LGBT, Age, Disability, Religion & Women’s Specialist Third Sector Organisations

Last summer the Commission on Integration and Cohesion published a report, ‘Our Shared Future’. One of the recommendations was around what it termed ‘Single Group Funding’ (defined as that ‘awarded on the basis of particular identity, such as ethnic, religious or cultural’). This stated that ‘single group funding should be the exception rather than the rule for both Government and external funders’.

This led many organisations to respond to the Single Group Funding issue requesting a rethink and clarification as the recommendation’s impact, put at risk the funding of frontline organisations working with particular groups from a single identity. The Department for Communities and Local Government as part of its response to this report has produced the Cohesion Guidance for Funders which it is now consulting on.

The aim of this events is to shape the National Equality Partnership’s (NEP) response to this guidance by providing us with your views on how these recommendations would impact on your organisation’s work and what do we need to ensure is part of the guidance for it to be fair and appropriate.

To book a place or for more information, email


Tackling Fuel Debt, organisational grants, deadline 16 May 08.

Applications are invited from voluntary organisations in the following areas (identified by the Government indices of deprivation): England - Yorkshire & Humber, Liverpool, Nottingham; Scotland – Borders; Wales - South Wales.

The Energy trust is looking for applications that:

(i) establish, extend or develop the provision of free and impartial debt counselling/money advice services and/or
(ii) provide education in the prevention of debt.

Applications can only be accepted from voluntary sector organisations/registered charities, and not-for-profit organisations. The 2008 round of grants will be for up to two years funding.

The trustees are particularly interested in making grants for innovative projects that provide free and impartial money advice services to householders in debt that:

* target fuel poverty and/or fuel debt
* assist in the production of accurate personal financial statements
* raise awareness of priority and non-priority debts
* negotiate with creditors and/or assist with direct negotiations
* provide clients with independent advice in the areas of housing law, social security benefits, energy efficiency etc
* provide support and guidance through the effects of a wide range of life challenges
* educate debtors in the area of financial rights and responsibilities
* will be able to demonstrate that financial advice has had a positive input and impact on the clients’ situation.

The trust anticipates that the majority of grants will be for under £33,000 per annum. The deadline for applications is 5pm on Friday 16 May 2008.

Questions about the fund can be sent to:

Allyson Broadhurst, Trust Relationship Manager T: 01733 421021 E:

For further information and an application form visit:

or if you need a large print copy ring 01733 421021.


Business Link Yorkshire have published a programme of workshops
for April to June 2008.

Available at:

The wide variety of topics includes:

* Business planning

* Investment readiness

* Financial skills

* Managing money and making a profit

* Taxation and VAT

* Introduction to Social Enterprise

* Business ideas for Social Enterprise

Most of the courses are free of charge. All are open to voluntary and community groups, charities and social enterprises i.e. you do not have to be from a private business to attend.

Courses taking place on the above funding related topics have been entered in the bfunded diary of events (see links in the list above) if the course isn't being run in Bradford, the nearest venue has been entered (e.g. Leeds/ Halifax). Groups can attend any course taking place in Yorkshire and the Humber so there are a wide range of venues to choose from.

For alternative dates and venues or the full training programme visit

Places can be booked online or by telephoning Business Link on 08456 048 048.


Venue: Fitzwilliam Community Centre, Wakefield

Organised by the Y&H Rural Affairs Forum, this conference aims to raise awareness of climate change adaptation amongst parish councils and rural communities, with a view to developing projects on a multi-parish level.

The event is FREE and will start at 10am (registration from 9.30am) until 3.30pm. To book your place, or request further details, contact:

Julie Jackson, RAF Secretariat at Askham Bryan College, on yhraf@askham- uk or 01904 772228 by Friday 2nd May.


Across the country LINks are being created to provide mechanisms for local people to comment on and influence health and social care services. Keighley Voluntary Services, as the host organisation, is recruiting a LINk support team for the next three years. All posts are full time and must be able to demonstrate commitment to equality and diversity. Pension contributions of up to 6% are offered

Salary: SCP 34 £27,594
Main responsibilities:
* Lead and manage the staff team to deliver the LINk contract between KVS and CBMDC, according to NHS guidelines and specifications
* Ensure the LINk is developed and operates according to highest quality
* Build strong relationships between the LINk, commissioners and service providers
Must have: minimum 2 years experience of successful project management, financial planning and budgeting in a relevant field with supreme networking skills.

Salary: SCP 28 £22,845
An essential role to ensure the LINk is informing and communicating with all communities and its partners in the LINk. Main responsibilities:
* Develop and implement a communications strategy including website and database
* Disseminate information to and from the LINk and its partners and ensure best practice. Must have: excellent communication skills across a range of disciplines; track-record of relevant experience and effectiveness.

Salary: SCP 28 £22,845
Main responsibilities:
* Analyse, research & provide information as requested by LINk members, staff and partners.
* Provide additional support and development to the LINk
Must have: relevant experience and some understanding of national health and social care policy and information interpretation, plus excellent communication and networking skills

Salary: SCP 28 £22,845
Main responsibilities: Help to build and support the LINk to ensure its members, volunteers and functions reflect the full range of communities of interest and geography, and work with hard-to-reach communities to stimulate and support their involvement in the LINk. Must have: at least 2 years experience of community work and a track record that shows ability to engage and support people/communities.

CLOSING DATE FOR ALL POSTS: 12 noon May 6th 2008
Interviews will be held weeks commencing May 12th (LBD 1 and 2) and May 19th (LBD 3 and 4).

Email, download or send s.a.e. (A4 size + 52p) for an application pack, quoting the appropriate reference number.

KVS, 135 Skipton Road, Keighley BD21 3AU. T: 01535 665258 E:

Application packs also downloadable from our website:

KVS is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from all members of the community.
Charity Reg. No: 1061641


Bradford Speakout
SCP 29 currently £23,749 pa plus 5% contribution to Stakeholder Pension

To engage with individuals who have personal experiences of homelessness and promote solutions to health problems. The project will focus on the Bradford District Public Health Priorities as they affect homeless people.

For more information on this new project work contact:

Phil Cutler, Projects Coordinator BACC 01274 481590
Neal Heard, Projects Manager BACC 01274 481590

For an Application Pack or write to BACC Unit 37 Carlisle Business Centre, 60 Carlisle Road, Bradford BD8 8BD.

Closing Date 1st Post Friday 9 May 2008.
Shortlisting will be 16 May 2008.
Interview & Short Presentations Thursday 22 May 2008.

This project work is funded by: Bradford & Airedale tPCT.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Church and Community Fund (Church of England only)

Capital and/or revenue funding is available for projects that seek to strengthen the relationship between a church and the local community, activity should benefit the Church locally and as a whole. Projects must ‘promote, aid and further the work of the Church of England’. The guidance explains: "This does not exclude Anglican projects in partnership with ecumenical or other-faith partners... but it does exclude projects run by secular bodies which have little or no connection to the Church of England and projects in which an Anglican body is not a key player at a local level."

The maximum grant is £15,000. Grants may be awarded on a ‘one-off’ basis or, for revenue projects, the total awarded may be phased over a number of years (usually three). The Fund is sometimes able to offer loans on favourable terms instead of grants.

The deadlines for 2008 are 6th May, 13th August and 5th November.

For further information and an application form visit: or email


Promoting quality and continuous professional development for learning in Bradford District’s voluntary and community sector.

The project is made up of workshops, e-learning, blended learning, bespoke consultancies and training for trainers. LiQiD and SOL are aimed at volunteers, support workers, trainers, tutors, co-ordinators, managers, and learning centres. These programmes would be suitable to all those VCS organisations looking to deliver learning or who are already delivering learning.

Under LiQiD we have the following workshops:

(MP 1) The Learner Journey, the Expert Learner and Soft Outcomes (14 May 2008)

Latest talk from the Quality Improvement Agency is about personalising the learner journey and encouraging the development of expert learner skills. The voluntary and community sector has a vision of empowering individuals and communities - how does the “expert learner” figure in this?

By the end of the session participants will:
* Know the key stages in the learner journey
* Define a working model of the expert learner
* Identify the skills required to be an expert learner
* Identify how soft outcomes can be captured

(MP 2) QTLS – Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (22 May 2008)

What is it? How do you get it? What does it mean for organisational staff development in the sector? How will we manage the requirements of the Institute for Learning (IfL)?

By the end of the session participants will:
* Know about the requirements of QTLS
* explore the knock on effects of the qualification in terms of personal and organisational planning for IfL requirements
* debate the benefits and costs of QTLS for the sector and
* contribute to a videocast about concerns and opportunities regarding QTLS

(MP 3) Understanding Self–Assessment, Inspection and Quality Improvement (June 2008 date tbc)

Every organisation in receipt of public funding for learning activities have to self assess, provide quality improvement plans and get ready for inspection.

This workshop provides you with the detail of what is the latest practice in these areas.

By the end of this session participants will:
* Know the key stages in each of the aspects of the workshop
* Formulate plans for putting in new processes and procedures
* Evaluate where you are in terms of your own quality journey

(MP 4) Capturing Data, Using Data and Using it for Quality (June 2008 date tbc)

We all have to know things about our learners. We all have to use the data to prove how we add value, how we are inclusive etc.

This workshop provides opportunities to explore the best ways to gather, store and use data for a variety of purposes.

By the end of the session participants will:
* Evaluate and improve their capture of learner data
* Use information to show quality improvement and performance

(MP 5) RARPA (Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement) (June 2008 date tbc)

All non-accredited learning needs to follow this process and be able to show that this process is embedded in their practice.

By the end of the session participants will:
* List the activities in the stages or RARPA
* Evaluate different forms used for RARPA (Get feedback on the forms you use)
* Know how to include RARPA in self assessment reports.

These workshops will run at the Management Practice Suite in the Cathedral Centre, Captain Street, Bradford, BD1 4EL. Between 9.45 and 1pm light refreshments included.

Free Consultancy for Quality and CPD

There are opportunities as part of the LiQiD project to have some tailor made solutions to quality and CPD issues your learning organisation may wish to tackle. These sessions are free and arranged at mutually convenient times.

For further information contact or phone 01274 308707

SOL (Support on Line)

Get into e-learning and blended learning see

E- learning and blended learning is quickly becoming an efficient way to provide information to support learning and provide a different media for introducing new ideas. It is another tool for the trainer’s toolbox and a great way to broaden activities for learners.

It is great for induction, introducing new ideas, checking knowledge and understanding and provides another means of meeting different learning styles. You can use it for staff, learners and sharing practice across the sector.

Under SOL we have a programme that aims to provide free support for VCS organisations and individuals who wish to develop online and blended learning skills. This project gives you a series of three interlinked workshops where you end up putting a basic course on the SOL virtual learning environment (VLE). This VLE is for any third sector organization or individual to use, test ideas out and practice in a supportive environment.

The best bit about SOL is you can try e learning out and see if it is something you and your learners would find useful. SOL is a VLE that will be owned by the Bradford district VCS.

From these workshops, there are a limited number of consultancies that can help you develop your e and blended learning in your own organization.

The workshops will explore:
* VLE's (Virtual Learning Environments) including Moodle
* An introduction to e-learning
* Course Creation - setting up basic courses and adding content/resources/activities
* Course Administration - Adding users and enrolling learners

At the end of the 3 workshops participants will:
* Understand the main terminology used in VLE's
* Have experienced e-learning exercises and activities
* Be able to navigate around a VLE as both a learner and a tutor
* Create a basic course
* Upload content and images
* Design basic activities

Who should attend?
Those new to the ideas of Virtual Learning Environments who want to explore developing e-learning further within their organisation - there will be a limited number of 1-1 consultancies available after the workshops. SOL gives the opportunity to try out VLEs and see which bits of virtual learning work for you. It is all free.

The workshops run on 7, 21 May and 14 June at the Management Practice Suite in the Cathedral Centre, Captain Street, Bradford, BD1 4EL.

For information and a booking form contact or ring 01274 735844.

10 hour Accredited Training Skills Course (fit4funding)
Understanding Interactive Training Skills


An innovative online course developed and delivered by fit4funding for individuals working or volunteering in the Bradford District Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector.

The course is part of the SOL project which is creating a Virtual Learning Environment for Bradford District VCS. This programme is therefore aimed at anyone interested in:
* developing their knowledge of training and learning;
* experiencing e-learning from a learner's perspective;
* seeking accreditation for their understanding of training skills.

The course is free and runs over a 4-week period beginning 28 April. The course requires people to commit to approximately 3 hours per week.


An introduction to:
* Theories and concepts in learning
* Methods and resources
* Planning and Preparation
* Delivering a session
* Evaluation skills
* Assessment

There are no exams as assessment is by completion of a series of tasks over the internet.


The course is accredited through the Open College Network and is worth one credit (10 hours worth of study) at either levels two or three.

(This course is free and funded by the Learning and Skills Council, through Bradford Learning Partnerships and delivered by Fit4Funding in partnership with ATL (Yorkshire) Ltd and Forster School of Management Practice.

For further information and to book on email or phone 01924 239063.


FREE training and networking event at the National Media Museum in Bradford on Saturday 17 May, 1-5pm.

The event is called ‘Create Your Own Community Cinema’ and will tell you everything you need to know about how to set up a film/movie club in the heart of your community.

DISCOVER what showing films can bring to your community
SEE examples of community cinema in action
LEARN how to get started, find a venue, equipment and films
FIND OUT how a typical community cinema operates
WATCH DVD digital projection equipment in action
PICK UP hints and tips on how to attract an audience
GET the help you need
LEARN what information, advice and support is available
MEET local organisations already showing films
VIEW short film screenings
ENJOY complimentary lunch, tea and coffee.

Film clubs enable people to gather together and watch a wide range of films from mainstream classics to specific local-interest documentaries or films that celebrate the culture and heritage of a particular community. A film club is a fantastic social and educational resource, providing a central hub for your local community to meet, view films, discuss and exchange ideas. Film clubs offer a friendly atmosphere, in which every audience member can feel welcomed and secure.

If you would like more information about setting up a film club and booking a place at the event, please get in touch with:

The British Federation of Film Societies on T: 0114 221 0314 or E:

Monday, April 21, 2008


Bradford University’s JB Priestley Library has some chairs to dispose of, suitable for seating visitors in a reception area.

If anyone is interested, get in touch with John Brooker at the University of Bradford's J.B.Priestley Library, E: ; T: 01274-235256.


1. Bradford Gingerbread Update - Dawn Catley, Centre Manager
“I am writing to inform you that the Bradford Gingerbread Centre at 45 Darley Street has now closed down. We were unable to secure enough funding to keep the project going; also, the lease for the building we were using ended last year and we were unable to renew it as the owner decided to sell the property.

We still have two projects that will continue to run:
* Gingerbread Housing Project, at 56 Boldshay Street, Bradford BD3 0AJ, Tel 01274 734285, and
* Community Nanny Project, now based at Office 1, c/o SJK Autos, 4 Guy Street, Bradford BD4 7BB, Tel 01274 720564.

The closure of our centre will no doubt have an impact on our client group and the sector in general. We are hoping the development and work done within the new Children’s Centres across the city will be able to support many of our clients and we would advise you to refer any lone parent clients you may encounter to these centres or their local advice/community centre.

For the organisations we have worked with in the past we would like to thank you for any support you have given our clients and our organisation and we wish you the best of luck with your own projects in the future.

We are planning a celebration party to mark all our achievements over the past 30 years and if you and your colleagues would like to come you are welcome to do so. If so, could I ask you to confirm your attendance by telephoning 01274 734285 where we are taking names for catering purposes.

The party will be held on SATURDAY 17 MAY at the Irish Democratic League Club in Westgate, Bradford and will start around 7pm.”

2. Bridging The GAP – 'franchising' lone parent services

Gingerbread has a long history of bringing lone parents together through local self-help groups. Today, lone parents tell us they want to meet other lone parents and get involved in activities and opportunities, but they don't want the work and bureaucracy involved in running a group.

Through a recognisable brand which is associated with family values and caring for the whole family, ‘Bridging the GAP’ programme will allow local service providers to utilise the knowledge, expertise and resources of a specialist charitable organisation who has over 90 years experience of developing and delivering services for lone parent families.

The programme is proposed to ensure that lone parent families in local communities have opportunities to engage with local activities and services. This will be achieved by capacity-building and licensing local organisations such as children's centres and back to work providers to engage and support lone parents through running Gingerbread Activity Programmes.

Participants in the Bridging the GAP programme will be entitled to three elements:
• A 2 day training programme after which professionals are licensed to use the Gingerbread Activity Programme brand
• A toolkit for engaging and support lone parent families containing activity ideas
• Ongoing support

Suggested Benefits:
• Increased and continuous engagement of lone parent families
• More local opportunities and services for lone parent families to take part in
• A defined progression route from the point of engagement
• More social inclusion and less isolation within lone parents in the community

There is a brief online survey (see link below) that is designed to help in gauging your future interest in the programme. Your feedback is very valuable to us and we would appreciate it if you could spend a few minutes to complete this survey. All responses will be treated in confidence and the information gathered will only be used for the purpose of informing the development of the programme.

The deadline for this survey is Monday, 5 May 2008.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

OUTCOMES TRAINING (29 April & 20 May)

Outcomes Training for Voluntary & Community Organisations

‘Understanding and using an outcomes focus’

29 April 2008 & 20 May 2008 (9.30 – 4.00)
The Green Room, Christchurch, Riddings Road, Ilkley LS29 9LU.

How much do you know about the effects of your organisation’s work?
Would you like to know more about outcomes?
Are your funders asking about outcomes monitoring?

By the end of the training participants will:

* Have a clear understanding of what an outcome is and what it is not
* Be better able to identify outcomes relevant to their work
* Be aware of the main benefits of focusing on outcomes
* Know more about how to monitor outcomes
* Know more about effective ways to introduce an outcomes approach in their own organisation, and have made a start on it.

We strongly encourage you to send two or three people (paid staff, trustees or volunteers) onto the course. This may seem a big investment, but experience shows that the benefits will far outweigh the cost to you in time.

To make the most of this opportunity, we ask you to commit to:
* participants attending both days of the course
* engaging in the take-away task between the two training days. This involves holding a meeting in your own organisation on adopting an outcomes focus.
* exploring further actions to introduce an appropriate outcomes focus within your organisation.

If you require more information about the course, please phone Mary on 01943 603348 or email

Monday, April 14, 2008


Can Key Fund be a part of your story…?

The Key Fund is offering support packages of between £1,000 and £50,000 to social businesses working in disadvantaged communities in Yorkshire and Humberside.

Are you:

* A Community and voluntary organisation seeking to develop ideas for generating your own income
* An Individual or a group starting up a Social Enterprise
* A Social Enterprise looking to grow and develop
* A Social Firm that employs a significant number of staff with a disability, and uses income generated from the provision of goods/services to pursue your social mission
* A Credit Union or other community saving & credit scheme
* A Cooperative, where a group of individuals with shared economic, social and cultural goals have formed a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise

Please follow the link below for more details on the support offered by the Key Fund.

For more information and to see if you are eligible please call 0845 140 1400

Friday, April 11, 2008


Independent Members of The Standards Committee

Bradford Council is seeking to appoint up to two Independent Members to join the Council's Standards Committee.

The Standards Committee consists of elected councillors and independent members who are appointed by the council. The committee has an important role promoting and maintaining high standards of behaviour by councillors and assisting members to observe the council’s code of conduct. The standards committee is also responsible for investigating all complaints about the behaviour of councillors.

We are looking for someone who can demonstrate:

* An independent and analytical mind
* Tact and good interpersonal skills
* An ability to give clear and reasoned advice
* An ability to chair meetings
* An understanding of diversity and other issues affecting the district.

Applicants must not have been a member or officer of Bradford Council within the last 5 years or be a member or officer of any other local authority.

An allowance of £1,167 pa is payable and travel expenses. The term of office is four years.

If you are interested in applying, then please download an application form below along with further information, a job description and a personnel specification, from:

Alternatively please telephone Committee Services 01274 432241 between 9.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday if you wish for an information and application pack to be posted to you.

Closing date: Friday 9th May. Interviews late May.

Application forms should be returned to: The Monitoring Officer, Room 312, City Hall, Bradford, BD1 1HY, E:


Neighbourhoods England are holding a follow up meeting as part of the Bradford Centre Democracy Project on Wednesday 16 April, 7:30pm to 9pm, in the Mabel Booth Room at Bradford CVS, 19-25 Sunbridge Road, Bradford BD1 2AY.

The meeting will look at the results of the consultation events that were held by Neighbourhoods England across the city centre in February and present options for ways forward. As things stand, there is a great deal of evidence of demand for a resident organisation for the centre and a number of potential projects for it to undertake. We also have a 19-strong steering group (not including myself) of mainly city centre residents but also including people from Bradford Centre Regeneration, Bradford Council and the University of Bradford.

For further information, please contact:
Jonathan Crewdson T: 07972 383560 or E:
Neighbourhoods England, c/o Bradford CVS, 19-25 Sunbridge Road, Bradford, BD1 2AY.
T/F: 01274 341164 E:


WalkTalk is a walk between Leeds and London encouraging conversations between people of widely different backgrounds and experience conceived by Gill Hicks, a survivor of the 7 July 2005 London bombings who lost both her legs that day, and her husband Joe Kerr (both of M.A.D for Peace), and developed with Zulfi Hussain of Global Promise and Together for Peace, Leeds.

An ambitious and challenging nationwide initiative open to people from a variety of backgrounds and age groups, and representative of the area being walked through and strictly non-political and non-partisan. It's aims are to bridge the divides between different people and connect communities and to highlight the danger of extreme thinking and beliefs in any area of our society.

* Starts mid-July 2008 in Leeds
* Finishes 4 weeks later in central London

The walk will go through Leeds, Beeston, Morely, Dewsbury, Wakefield, Barnsley, Rotherham and Sheffield in our region, so therefore do please circulate this e-mail and the attachment to local networks/contacts as appropriate to get names of people who are interested in getting involved e.g. walking, marshalling, event support, hosting (food/accommodation).

For more information and to give details of names and any offers of practical support, email James Paton by 14 April 2008.


"Backing the best" Community Enterprise support - grant/loan package

Backing the best
Yorkshire Forward has launched a one-year pilot to help community enterprises grow through a package of grants and loans. The project's purpose is to see whether such mixed finance, combined with business advice, can help the transition to commercial trading.

What's on offer?
A grant of up to £60K that needs to be matched by at least an equal amount of loan (not other grants) + assistance with business planning.

Who can apply?
Community enterprises in West Yorkshire with some track record. A community enterprise is defined as an independent enterprise that is accountable to a geographical community (like a Development Trust) or community of interest (e.g. disability)

In each of the five West Yorkshire districts we are looking for about three applicants and would hope to support one or two in each district.

What will the money support?
A business proposition that has the prospect of continuing without grants within three years. This might be for the organisation as a whole or a particular trading venture. The activity can already be underway if the plan shows a transition from grant dependence to self-sufficiency.

The grant can support both capital and revenue activity.

What help can I get with the application?
The Camberwell Project will help eligible applicants assemble a business plan, find the match finance and look at alternative business models if necessary.

How do I become an eligible applicant?
Those interested in applying should contact Kristy Swift at The Camberwell Project. They will be asked to submit a simple two-sided business plan which, supplemented with a discussion with Camberwell, will enable the Steering Group to judge whether the application should go forward.

All interested community enterprises should have registered with Kristy by the end of April.

What else do I need to know?
Grant /loan approvals should be made by October 08
Capital grant needs to be spent by March 09
Revenue grant spent by December 09 -State Aid rules will apply
The Grant will be paid on a monthly claims basis from Yorkshire Forward under their terms and conditions.

Steering group
Backing the Best is run by a partnership consisting of Yorkshire Forward, the Development Trusts Association, Charity Bank, The Camberwell Project and representatives of the five districts. Camberwell administer the pilot and provide consulting support.


Kristy Swift
The Camberwell Project, 231-235 Chapeltown Road, Leeds LS7 3DX.
T: 0870 851 8677 M: 07718 982546.


Monday 28 April, Mabel Booth Room at Bradford CVS
Trainer: Fit4Funding

Commissioning and procurement are rapidly becoming a preferred way of funding the voluntary sector for many public sector organisations such as Local Authorities and Primary Care Trusts. This session will give groups an overview with details on how purchasers (funders) work in practice.

This session will cover:
What is procurement and commissioning all about?
What are the pros and cons for voluntary organisations?
How does it work in practice?
Preparing for tenders - what you need to do.

For further details or to book a place please contact:
Diane at CVS Training on T: 01274 722772 or E: or visit the training part of the BCVS website at and download a booking form.

There is a charge for this workshop of £40 for VCS groups in the Bradford District, £80 for VCS groups outside Bradford District and £80 for Statutory Organisations. Small voluntary groups with a turnover of less than £10,000 per year may be eligible for a training bursary towards the cost of this or other CVS training courses. Please contact Diane on T: 01274 722772.


This one day accredited (level 2/3) course is part of the Equality & Diversity program developed by ANISSA UK. The course is suitable for: senior workers, educationalists, health care professionals, youth workers, refuge workers, police, community workers & volunteers, Councillors etc. - especially those working with diverse communities & those working with young people & women.

ISLAMOPHOBIA - the politics of language; assessing our perceptions of others, based on knowledge or hearsay; the difference between ‘tolerance’ and ‘acceptance’; examining language used by professionals when working with diverse communities.

To give an understanding of terms, commonly misunderstood, leading to Islamophobia. To look at the implications of language that is commonly used when working with hard to reach communities.

Cost £125.00 per delegate

For further information and bookings, please contact:
Ulfat Riaz T: 01274 499815 M: 07779 694292 E:
ANISSA UK, 2a Duckworth Grove, Bradford BD9 5HQ.