Friday, April 11, 2008


Monday 28 April, Mabel Booth Room at Bradford CVS
Trainer: Fit4Funding

Commissioning and procurement are rapidly becoming a preferred way of funding the voluntary sector for many public sector organisations such as Local Authorities and Primary Care Trusts. This session will give groups an overview with details on how purchasers (funders) work in practice.

This session will cover:
What is procurement and commissioning all about?
What are the pros and cons for voluntary organisations?
How does it work in practice?
Preparing for tenders - what you need to do.

For further details or to book a place please contact:
Diane at CVS Training on T: 01274 722772 or E: or visit the training part of the BCVS website at and download a booking form.

There is a charge for this workshop of £40 for VCS groups in the Bradford District, £80 for VCS groups outside Bradford District and £80 for Statutory Organisations. Small voluntary groups with a turnover of less than £10,000 per year may be eligible for a training bursary towards the cost of this or other CVS training courses. Please contact Diane on T: 01274 722772.

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