Tuesday, April 15, 2008

OUTCOMES TRAINING (29 April & 20 May)

Outcomes Training for Voluntary & Community Organisations

‘Understanding and using an outcomes focus’

29 April 2008 & 20 May 2008 (9.30 – 4.00)
The Green Room, Christchurch, Riddings Road, Ilkley LS29 9LU.

How much do you know about the effects of your organisation’s work?
Would you like to know more about outcomes?
Are your funders asking about outcomes monitoring?

By the end of the training participants will:

* Have a clear understanding of what an outcome is and what it is not
* Be better able to identify outcomes relevant to their work
* Be aware of the main benefits of focusing on outcomes
* Know more about how to monitor outcomes
* Know more about effective ways to introduce an outcomes approach in their own organisation, and have made a start on it.

We strongly encourage you to send two or three people (paid staff, trustees or volunteers) onto the course. This may seem a big investment, but experience shows that the benefits will far outweigh the cost to you in time.

To make the most of this opportunity, we ask you to commit to:
* participants attending both days of the course
* engaging in the take-away task between the two training days. This involves holding a meeting in your own organisation on adopting an outcomes focus.
* exploring further actions to introduce an appropriate outcomes focus within your organisation.

If you require more information about the course, please phone Mary on 01943 603348 or email

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