Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Consultation event, single issue group funding 15 May 2008

From the Regional Forum's website:

Cohesion Guidance for Funders / Consultation Event for BME, LGBT, Age, Disability, Religion & Women’s Specialist Third Sector Organisations

Last summer the Commission on Integration and Cohesion published a report, ‘Our Shared Future’. One of the recommendations was around what it termed ‘Single Group Funding’ (defined as that ‘awarded on the basis of particular identity, such as ethnic, religious or cultural’). This stated that ‘single group funding should be the exception rather than the rule for both Government and external funders’.

This led many organisations to respond to the Single Group Funding issue requesting a rethink and clarification as the recommendation’s impact, put at risk the funding of frontline organisations working with particular groups from a single identity. The Department for Communities and Local Government as part of its response to this report has produced the Cohesion Guidance for Funders which it is now consulting on.

The aim of this events is to shape the National Equality Partnership’s (NEP) response to this guidance by providing us with your views on how these recommendations would impact on your organisation’s work and what do we need to ensure is part of the guidance for it to be fair and appropriate.

To book a place or for more information, email

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