Friday, April 11, 2008


Independent Members of The Standards Committee

Bradford Council is seeking to appoint up to two Independent Members to join the Council's Standards Committee.

The Standards Committee consists of elected councillors and independent members who are appointed by the council. The committee has an important role promoting and maintaining high standards of behaviour by councillors and assisting members to observe the council’s code of conduct. The standards committee is also responsible for investigating all complaints about the behaviour of councillors.

We are looking for someone who can demonstrate:

* An independent and analytical mind
* Tact and good interpersonal skills
* An ability to give clear and reasoned advice
* An ability to chair meetings
* An understanding of diversity and other issues affecting the district.

Applicants must not have been a member or officer of Bradford Council within the last 5 years or be a member or officer of any other local authority.

An allowance of £1,167 pa is payable and travel expenses. The term of office is four years.

If you are interested in applying, then please download an application form below along with further information, a job description and a personnel specification, from:

Alternatively please telephone Committee Services 01274 432241 between 9.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday if you wish for an information and application pack to be posted to you.

Closing date: Friday 9th May. Interviews late May.

Application forms should be returned to: The Monitoring Officer, Room 312, City Hall, Bradford, BD1 1HY, E:


Flippsy said...

Good idea to blog this stuff. I prefer it to emails! thanks ! Frances at BUFA

Anonymous said...

Wow! A comment! Some bloggers wait a (blog's) lifetime to get some feedback from readers so I take this a very positive sign. Thanks F.

The Editor.