Tuesday, December 09, 2008


The latest issue of Briefing Bradford is now up on the Bradford CVS website - check it out at:

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


It's not often that anyone asks us to post something on the blog - but it happened today. How could we refuse?

Registered charity number 1104360

Reading Matters’ social mission is to support young people to reach their potential by becoming confident and enthusiastic readers. In order to achieve this, Reading Matters offers a range of training programmes and a Volunteer Reading Mentor support network. We are currently recruiting two new members to our team:

PROJECT MANAGER – Bradford & Calderdale
18 hours per week, school term time only - £ 9,744 pa (£24,223 pro rata)
Fixed term contract to end of July 2010 (reviewable at this time)
This post is subject to an enhanced Criminal Records Bureau check.
Closing date for applications: Monday 24 November 2008
Interviews: Friday 5 December 2008

ADMINISTRATOR (Bradford based)
8 hours per week, school term time only - £3,478 pa (£19,451 pro rata)
Closing date for applications: Monday 24 November 2008
Interviews: Tuesday 9 December 2008

Reading Matters is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

For an application pack please phone 01274 692219 or e-mail info@readingmatters.org.uk

Or download information from http://www.readingmatters.org.uk/

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Bradford and Airedale tPCT are looking for your ideas... they want to encourage local people to send in new ideas that will help improve health and wellbeing locally. The competition is open to individuals, community and voluntary groups, social enterprises and businesses in Bradford district.

"Ten shortlisted ideas will get the chance to discuss their idea with the competition judges on 17th November. Each presenter will get a cash prize of £50; further funding of up to £1,000 each may also be awarded to help some of the winners take the first steps to get their ideas moving."

For further details, see link below or telephone Georgina Bache on 01274 235543.

The competition can be entered online at:

or pick up a leaflet at your local community centre and return the short form to Community Development, B&A tPCT, Freepost RLZH-XTUZ-YAZK, Douglas Mill, Bradford BD5 7JR (no stamp needed).

The deadline for entries is: 31 October 2008.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


You can download the latest (September 2008) issue of Briefing Bradford from here:


Sorry things have been a bit quiet here recently.

The blog is 'under review' (for which read 'wondering whether it is worth trying to maintain', to be honest).

If you have any views, one way or the other, please post a comment (or something).

Twenty-five people a day drop by here - but they may all be wanting to spam me.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008



Date: 23 September 2008

Time: 12.30 – 16.30

Venue: Hilton Hotel, Bradford


To share initial findings and to find out what the Council and its Partners, including the Voluntary and Community Sector, need to do to ensure that the Third Sector is able to play an effective role and function in delivering better outcomes for the people of Bradford.

Who should attend?

Third sector/voluntary and community sector organisations and groups in the district

Cost: Free

How to register:

This is a major event with places limited to 150 delegates. To register a place, please e-mail sunil.pujara@bradford.gov.uk with your name, organisation details, address and telephone number.

Alternatively, fill out the online contact form at: www.bradford.gov.uk/thirdsectorreview

or write to Sunil Pujara, Department of Strategy and Performance, 2nd Floor, City Exchange, 61 Hall Ings, Bradford BD1 5SG.

Friday, August 01, 2008


The BBC Children in Need Appeal which helps to positively change the lives of disadvantaged children and young people in the UK, is looking for Freelance Assessors, Volunteer Committee Members and Volunteer Committee Chairs/Vice Chairs to fill vacancies in the North East, North West, Central (for Midlands), London and South East and the South West.

For more information and to apply, please click here.

Closing date: Friday 15 August 2008.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Bradford CVS, like many local VCS organisations, has received an invitation to take part in a focus group which will feed into the local authority's review of (its relationship with) the sector. We reproduce this invitation, in slightly edited form, below:

Bradford Council is currently reviewing its relationship with the Third Sector. The aim of the Review is to see how, by working better together, we can maximise the difference we make to people in the District.

One of the themes of the review is to explore the Role and Function of the Third Sector within the Bradford District and identify what is working well, what could work better, and the types of things the council and our partners, including the VCS, could be doing to strengthen organisations like yours.

As part of the Review, we would like to invite yourself, or someone else from your organisation, to participate in a focus group. We would like to hear from you what the current situation is for organisations like yours. This will give your organisation an opportunity to contribute your views and will help the Review Team to set some recommendations that will ultimately help strengthen your role within the District.

The Focus Groups will run on 19th August 2008, at Carlisle Business Centre. There will be two sessions, 2.30 – 6.00 pm and 6.00 – 8.30 pm. A light tea will be available and we can offer to pay any travel and childcare costs you may incur by participating in this focus group.

If you would like to participate please email susan.long@bradford.gov.uk
by Friday 8 August 2008 indicating which session you will be attending. If we have not heard from you by this date we will assume you do not wish to attend. Please advise Sue, when replying to this invitation, of any access issues or special dietary requirements.

For more information about the Review please contact Sunil Pujara on 01274 434989.

Monday, July 28, 2008



Are you concerned about support for your IT systems ?
Do you want to improve your support ?

We are holding a short meeting on Wednesday August 6th 2008 at 1pm
to discuss issues such as:

~Problems faced by small voluntary organisations
~Keeping up to date
~Refurbish or Recycle ?
~Technical Assistance
~Training issues etc. etc.


If you want to attend please contact:

Peter Tate, (Voluntary Organisation Support Officer, Bradford CVS)
peter@bradfordcvs.org.uk, 01274-412045 or text 07946 505358.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Black History Month - small grants

Grants of up to £500 are available for running activities to celebrate and promote Black History Month (October). Applications should show how the project/activity will help achieve the key objectives of the district Cultural Strategy (

For further information about the fund, please contact Bobsie Robinson at Bradford Council
bobsie.robinson@bradford.gov.uk or telephone 01274 431922.

The deadline for applications is 31 July 2008.

Win a Barclays Premier League Player

A marketing/ funding opportunity:

If you can think of a way of involving a Barclays Premiership football player in promoting your group, then there is the opportunity to enter this competition to win a player's help for a day plus a £4,000 donation to your cause.

The competition is open to community groups, charities and schools.

The deadline for entries is Friday 1 August 2008.

For further information please visit

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Asian Disability Awareness Action in Bradford (ADAAB) is holding a Health and Disability Awareness Event. The event aims to help raise awareness of what services in relation to health and disabilities are available to residents within Bradford and District. The event will also be opportunity for voluntary and community organisations to interact and network with each other.

Health and Disability Awareness Event starting at 10.00am on Thursday 24th July 2008 at the Pakistan Community Centre, White Abbey Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD8 8EJ. Lunch will be provided.

If you would like to attend, require further information, or if you would like space for a display at the event, please contact:

Amar Latif on (01274) 733678, info@adaab.org.uk

Friday, July 04, 2008


Social Networking - How can it help my learners?

A FREE course running at Forster Community College

Wednesday 16 July 2008 (9:30am – 1pm)

Do you have learners who are difficult to engage?

Are your vocational learners employed in different locations who need to be working with each other?

Do you need to evidence activities quickly and easily in one place?

The course will introduce social networking sites, explore their possible use to aid learning and start you off developing your own social network there and then!

For further details telephone 01274 308707 or call in at Captain Street, Bradford, BD1 4EL.

Forster Community College – School of Management Practice: Innovation and Support for the Third Sector

IN A NUTSHELL (18 July 2008)

An event about e-learning, Quality and CPD in a nutshell.

Aimed at new and existing VCS learning providers, the event will enable you to stay ahead with the new learning landscape. In a Nutshell, will cover what community trainers need to know regarding professional registration, the new qualifications structures for trainers, putting the learner at the centre, the use of MIS, developing e – learning and getting an overview of what is going on.

At Carlisle Business Centre on the 18th July at 9.30-12.30

followed by lunch and networking.

The new learning landscape will have a dramatic knock on for all learning providers. Whether you are an existing provider or you are thinking about providing learning you need to know about the new ideas affecting the provision of learning.

To book a place contact fizzah.akhtar@atlenterprise.co.uk or visit www.atlenterprise.co.uk or telephone 01274 735844.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


‘Doing Time Doing Vipassana’

Wednesday 18th June, 7.30pm @ Tree House Café, 2 Ashgrove, Great Horton Rd. Bradford (opposite University). (55mins). Entry FREE

A second showing on: Saturday 28th June, 7-9pm , Kirkgate Community Centre, Kirkgate, off Shipley town square (a few minutes walk from Shipley station). Film will be followed by Q&As. Entry FREE.

DTDV documents the introduction of Vipassana meditation into one of the world’s largest prisons, Tihar Jail in New Delhi. Winner of the San Francisco International Film festivals 1998 Golden Spire Award, the film, through interviews with warden, guards and inmates, explores how Vipassana has transformed the jail and changed lives.

Vipassana meditation is a straightforward, practical technique to dissolve inner tensions, agitations and negativities and lead a more positive, balanced, peaceful life. It is a technique of mental purification through self observation. Vipassana is a universal, non-sectarian technique practised by people of any religion and those of none. Courses are offered freely.

For more information, contact:

Simon: 07951 515927 simonbinks71@yahoo.co.uk


Funding Crisis? Saving your organisation, a one-day workshop
This workshop is being run twice on: Thursday June 26th or Monday July 7th

A number of Bradford's voluntary organisations are facing closure or the possibility of making staff redundant at present. This seems to have come about following dramatic changes in the local funding environment such as:
* the ending of some funding regimes (e.g. NRF and ERDF)
* restructuring in Bradford Council
* the winding up of Bradford Vision
* mergers in local NHS organisations (notably the PCT)

This one-day workshop will cover a number of courses of action you might wish to take - we will not be pushing any particular line of action - that is up to your group - but we will introduce you to the skills and information you will need:
* How to keep in touch - who to contact to find out what's going on, what funding is available and what help you can get
* How to go about lobbying and campaigning against closure or cuts in your funding
* How to go about merging your organisation with another voluntary organisation or forming a consortium with other voluntary organisations (and what the TUPE (transfer of undertakings) legislation says about this
* How to conduct a fair and just redundancy procedure.

The workshop is FREE and lunch is included.

Both workshops are being held at the Arts and Resource Centre, home of BRC (Bradford Resource Centre & Community Statistics Project), 17-21 Chapel Street, Bradford BD1 5DT.

Contact BRC (01274 779003 or mike@brc-net.org.uk) to book a place on one of these sessions.

Delivered by PERS (Pay and Employment Rights Service), BRC (Bradford Resource Centre & Community Statistics Project) and ABCD (Action for Black Community Development).

Organised by the B-Supported Consortium (funded by the Big Lottery Fund)


Using Social Statistics one-day course:
Tuesday 8th, Monday 14th & Monday 21st July 10am-4pm.
Tutor: Mike Quiggin & Bal Athwal

Campaign skills one-day course:

Wednesday 9th, Thursday 17th & Tuesday 22nd July 10am-4pm.
Tutor: Peter Dwyer

Introduction to research methods one-day course:

Friday 11th, Wednesday 16th & Thursday 24th July 10am-4pm.
Tutor: Britta Kristensen & Bal Athwal

Finding market information for social enterprises one-day course:

Friday 18th July
10am-4pm. Tutor: Mike Quiggin

Promoting your group on the internet: A beginners guide, 2 half days:

Wednesday 23rd July, 10am-1pm & Monday 28th July, 1pm-4pm.
Tutor: Britta Kristensen

For further information and booking contact:
Bal / Britta @ Bradford Resource Centre. Telephone: 01274 779003.
bal@brc-net.org.uk / Britta@brc-net.org.uk


Leading from the front line:
A workshop on empowering approaches to building leadership
in community organisations

10.30 am to 3 pm Wednesday July 9th 2008.
St George’s Centre, Leeds

Empowerment is now high on the agenda in the Third Sector but what does it mean in practice? bassac believe empowering leadership is about emphasising the value of involvement, equality and collective activity. This workshop is based on recent research on how community organisations are supporting the growth of leadership within their organisation and for the communities they serve. It will look at practical methods of empowerment and a framework that can be applied to your work. The workshop will be participative in style and act as a place to share your ideas and experiences.

The workshop is for:
* Staff, trustees and managers from community organisations and development trusts
* Volunteers and experienced members of community groups
* Community and development workers
* Anyone from Third and public sector organisations interested in building community leadership.

Workshop aims:
* To share the findings of the recent research on empowering approaches to building leadership in communities
* To look at how we can apply this to our own work
* To contribute experience and ideas to the future use of the empowerment framework.

The research was carried out principally in Yorkshire and the Humber in late spring 2008 for bassac and the Community Alliance; workshop participants will receive a copy of the draft report prior to the workshop.

The workshop will be run by Steve Skinner, an experienced trainer and community worker who carried out the research. Steve wrote Leadership in Communities for bassac in 2007 available on

Maximum 20 places – book early! Please book your place by July 1st

To book, contact:

The workshop is FREE and lunch is included. The venue is wheelchair accessible.

Tatum Yip Regional Manager (Yorkshire and Humber), bassac
Direct: 0113 394 2316 Fax: 0113 394 2301
c/o Regional Forum, Suite 10D, Joseph’s Well, Hanover Walk, Leeds, LS3 1AB http://www.bassac.org.uk/

Calling for Change - The Evidence for Supporting Community Voices to Speak Out
Download bassac's new voice research findings: http://www.bassac.org.uk/pages/voice.html

Thursday, May 29, 2008


ERDF workshop, Tuesday 17 June, 10am to 12pm
at the Design Exchange, Bradford

Groups interested in finding out more about the ERDF programme should consider attending this bfunded event.

The new programme is very different to previous ERDF programmes, hence the event title "Come and find out what you can’t do!"

Some of the issues to bear in mind include:

* Projects must have match funding
* In general, grant requests should be a minimum of £1 million ERDF
* Activity is much more targeted at Social Enterprise and supporting organisations to become Enterprising
* Ineligible activity includes Training, Jobs Brokerage, Advice and Guidance, generic Capacity Building
* Capital support is available however, expressions of interest must be with Yorkshire Forward by 30 June 2008 .

If you feel that you have the capacity to fulfil the above requirements or want to find potential partners, please come to the workshop. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions you may have about the programme.

If you would like to attend, please confirm your place by emailing Jasvinder Gill by 10 June, email:

You can view the application forms and documentation for the new ERDF programme at:

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Looking after mental health and well-being at work

FREE Seminar on:

  • How to employ someone with mental health problems
  • The different types of mental health problems
  • Resources available to help the mentally ill at work
  • How to keep your employers mentally healthy.

Thursday 5th June 2008

9.30-12 noon at the Carlisle Business Centre, Manningham, BD8 8BD.

For further information, contact:

Bradford Area Occupational Health and Safety Forum, 13 Scott Street, Keighley, BD21 2JH.

Tel: 01535 691049 Email: admin@baohsf.org.uk



Access to Nature - BEF meeting 3rd June
Further information about Bradford Environmental Forum's (BEF) coordinated approach to the Access to Nature funding programme:

The next BEF meeting for groups in Bradford district who are interested in applying to Access to Nature is on 3rd June at 3.30pm at the Carlisle Business Centre in Bradford. At the last meeting on 8th April, four possible bids were discussed and the meeting on 3rd June will be an update as to how those bids are developing.

Groups interested in partnership possibilities for bidding or even just benefiting from outreach offered by organisations who are bidding e.g. being part of activities rather than the bid should contact Julia Pearson at BEES on 01274 513109.

If you would like to attend the meeting on the 3rd June, please get in touch with Julia Pearson at BEES on 01274 513109.

Information about the Access to Nature fund is available on the Natural England website at

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


The Who, What, Where, When and Why of Practice based Commissioning:
A conference for the Voluntary & Community Sector in Bradford and Airedale

17th June 2008 • 12.30 – 4.00pm • Great Victoria Hotel, Bradford

The introduction of Practice based Commissioning presents opportunities for the Voluntary and Community Sector to both provide and influence local services. Find out how at this half-day conference.

Winning contracts requires an understanding of the local commissioning priorities and the processes that drive it. This half-day conference will give delegates a clear understanding of:

• The Strategic and funding relationships between statutory bodies and the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) in the Bradford District
• The role of Bradford and Airedale tPCT as purchaser of services and the role of the VCS as the provider of services
• What Practice Based Commissioning is and how it works in the Bradford District
• The commissioning process, priorities and requirements
• The future role of the VCS in the design and delivery of tPCT services

The conference is an invaluable opportunity for VCS organisations to network with commissioning managers. This is a Bradford and Airedale district-wide event for voluntary sector organisations and community centres that deliver health activities or projects.

You must complete a booking form to reserve your place. Please do not just turn up on the day. Places are allocated on a first come first served basis. We will confirm your place on receipt of the booking form.

This conference is FREE to members of HealthNet (£25 to non-members). Membership of HealthNet is FREE.

You can join by indicating this on the booking form or contact us by phone: 01274 722772 or email: health@bradfordcvs.org.uk

HealthNet, Bradford CVS, Sunbridge Road, Bradford, BD1 2AY.


Friday, May 23, 2008


Amaze Yourself @ Bradford is a FREE enterprise training and development programme delivered by the University of Bradford for those who want to ....explore a business idea ...develop entrepreneurial and employability skills ...increase knowledge and experience of business.

Who can join?
Any Bradford resident aged over 16 years, particularly people who are unemployed or not working.

The programme offers:
1. Basic modules in business planning, financial management, marketing and sales
2. Interactive sessions in networking skills, ideas development and skills development
3. Talks and master classes by local entrepreneurs who can share their experience of business set up.
4. Broker one to one business and professional support through a range of business advisers, coaches and mentors.

NEXT PROGRAMMES at the University:
9 June - 24 June
7 July - 22 July
4 August - 13 August

For more information, contact Eleanor/Hina on 01274 236771 or amazeyourself@bradford.ac.uk or visit www.bradfordkickstart.com/amazeyourself

Friday, May 16, 2008


You can download the May issue of Briefing Bradford NOW!


The hard-copy newsletter will be mailed out early next week (w/c 19 May).

Thursday, May 08, 2008


Transport bosses have issued a 'use it or lose it' warning to passengers of a free city centre bus service that has not even started operating yet.

"It really is a case of use it or lose it because we can't afford to have a bus full of fresh air running around Bradford city centre," said Councillor Chris Greaves, Metro's spokesman for Bradford.

"The public, particularly the Bradford Older People's Alliance (BOPA), have been really pushing for this service. Now we have shown faith in them, they have to put faith in the service to prove it's viable," added Councillor Greaves.



Wednesday, May 07, 2008


West Yorkshire BME Networks Celebration event
Wednesday 4th June 2008
Time: 10:00 - 14:00
Venue: St Chads Community Centre, Headingley, Leeds

The event will:
* Launch the West Yorkshire BME Networks Strategy
* Celebrate the achievements of the West Yorkshire BME Networks and provide inspiration for the future, and
* Provide networking opportunities for BME Network members across West Yorkshire.



Please feel free to publicise this event through your networks, in particular to BME organisations and stakeholders.



SALARY £18,701 - £19,862 PRO-RATA FOR 18.5 HOURS PER WEEK
(ACT. £9,225 - £9,798 ) 3 YRS FIXED CONTRACT
Will run the project on a day to day basis on behalf of the Steering Committee and the Lead Organisation; promoting the well being of older people and working with a range of community groups

SALARY £16,457 - £17,391 PRO-RATA 18.5 HOURS PER WEEK
(ACT. £8,118 - £8,579) 3 YR FIXED TERM CONTRACT
To promote older peoples overall wellbeing and uptake of activities through your dedicated outreach. Facilitating and co-ordinating access to new and existing provision through partnership working.

Required to join this innovative new project supporting Migrant Workers in the BD3 area of Bradford:

(ACT. £17,338 - £18,549)
You will develop and coordinate the delivery of the project ensuring access to appropriate support services and provision supporting the holistic well being of this potentially disadvantaged group

SALARY £19,255 – £21,016 PRO-RATA FOR 30 HRS HOURS PER WEEK (ACT. £15,404 - £16,330)
You will develop the outreach promoting Migrant Workers overall wellbeing and uptake of activities through your dedicated outreach. Facilitating and co-ordinating access to new and existing provision through partnership working.

SALARY £19,255 – £21,016 PRO-RATA FOR 30 HRS HOURS PER WEEK (ACT. £15,404 - £16,330)
You will develop the outreach promoting Migrant Workers overall wellbeing and uptake of activities through your dedicated outreach. Facilitating and co-ordinating access to new and existing provision through partnership working.

For an application form or information contact:

For more information contact Helen Speight
hspeight@thornburycentre.com T: 01274 666649
Thornbury Centre, Leeds Old Road, Bradford BD3 8JX

Closing date: 22/05/08

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


JUST West Yorkshire is inviting you to sign up to their response to the government’s proposal to introduce a National Identity Scheme. (http://www.ips.gov.uk/identity/downloads/national-identity-scheme-delivery-2008.pdf)

As a racial justice and human rights organization they are concerned about the steady erosion of civil liberties which is having a disproportionately negative impact on Black and minority ethnic communities.
The government’s insistence on rolling out the scheme despite wide opposition from leading human rights organisations, the Law Lords and the Conservative and Liberal Democratic parties is indicative of the government’s resolve to press ahead with its implementation despite deep disquiet about the proposed plans.

In response to the government’s consultation on the proposals, JUST has prepared a position statement and set out the arguments for opposition to its implementation.

The consultation period ends on 30 June 2008.
For more on the National ID Scheme, see our previous post: http://briefingbradford.blogspot.com/2008/05/national-identity-scheme.html

Friday, May 02, 2008


Myplace grants for youth facilities - programme launches 6 May

The Big Lottery Fund is managing a new programme on behalf of the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) to work with young people to deliver youth facilities. Myplace will offer grants of between £1m and £5m. Projects must deliver on all four of the following outcomes:

1. More young people, parents and communities feel that young people have exciting and safe places to go in their leisure time where they can get involved in an attractive range of activities
2. More young people, particularly the most disadvantaged, participate in positive leisure time activities that support their personal and social development.
3. More young people have access to information, advice and support services from within places they feel comfortable.
4. Stronger partnership working between local authorities, third, private and public sector partners to plan, deliver and operate financially sustainable youth facilities with and for young people.

The programme will be launched on 6 May. Regional workshops are being held during May, with the Yorkshire and Humber event on the morning of Tuesday 13 May in Huddersfield.

More information is available from the BLF regional office in Leeds, tel: 0113 224 5301.

In Bradford District a strategic group is in place called the Youth Matters Next Steps Group. This group is within the Children & Young People's Strategic Partnership, has identified this funding and is preparing to bid. VCS representatives, including Kerr Kennedy from Bradford CVS, attend this group and will be promoting VCS interests.

VCS groups interested in putting forward a project to go into this partnership bid should contact Kerr as soon as possible with their ideas. It is likely that there will only be one bid from Bradford district.

Kerr Kennedy can be contacted at Bradford CVS on 01274 722772 or by email kerr@bradfordcvs.org.uk

An information leaflet on the fund can be viewed on the Big Lottery Fund website at:

Thursday, May 01, 2008


Outcomes Training for Voluntary & Community Organisations

‘Understanding and using an outcomes focus’

20th May & 17th June 2008 (9.30 – 4.00)
2nd July & 23rd July 2008 (9.30 – 4.00)

The Green Room, Christchurch, Riddings Road, Ilkley LS29 9LU.

How much do you know about the effects of your organisation’s work?
Would you like to know more about outcomes?
Are your funders asking about outcomes monitoring?

By the end of the training participants will:

* Have a clear understanding of what an outcome is and what it is not
* Be better able to identify outcomes relevant to their work
* Be aware of the main benefits of focusing on outcomes
* Know more about how to monitor outcomes
* Know more about effective ways to introduce an outcomes approach in their own organisation, and have made a start on it.

We strongly encourage you to send two or three people (paid staff, trustees or volunteers) onto the course. This may seem a big investment, but experience shows that the benefits will far outweigh the cost to you in time.

To make the most of this opportunity, we ask you to commit to:

* participants attending both days of the course
* engaging in the take-away task between the two training days. This involves holding a meeting in your own organisation on adopting an outcomes focus.
* exploring further actions to introduce an appropriate outcomes focus within your organisation.

If you require more information about the course, please contact

Mary on T: 01943 603348 or E: info@cvs.ilkley.org


Budgets for Bids: Tuesday 20th May, Shipley Cellar Project

Not sure where to start with your funding application budget?

This half-day session will help groups new to creating budgets for funding bids and is taking place on Tuesday 20th May, 10am – 1pm at the Cellar Project, Shipley. The trainer is Fit4Funding.

Places are available to Bradford voluntary and community groups at a subsidised rate of £20 for this half-day session.

To help you budget for your project and activities the session will cover:
* Preparing a budget for a funding application
* Common budgeting mistakes and how to avoid them
* Estimating costs
* Identifying resources needed to deliver your project

To book a place please download a booking form from www.bradfordcvs.org.uk or telephone Diane Fox at Bradford CVS on 01274 722772

Further funding related courses, in Bradford and beyond are listed on the bfunded website at http://www.bfunded.org.uk/diary.php?month=05&year=2008



Between 10am and 2.30pm

Wednesday 7th May > Mobility Issues

Tuesday 3rd June > Footcare & Shoes

Friday 4th July > Independence Day

Monday 7th August > Focus on Young People

Thursday 11th September > Focus on Seating

Tuesday 28th October > Bathing issues

All ages and abilities are welcome on our Focus Days.
An Occupational Therapist will be in attendance to offer help and independent advice.

Professionals are also welcome. Come see what we can offer you and your clients.

T: 01274 589162 E:
ammccabe@disabilityadvice.org.uk for further information.

103 Dockfield Road, Shipley, BD17 7AR.


On the 6th March, the Home Secretary published the National Identity Scheme Delivery Plan 2008

From 2008, Government will start to issue the first identity cards in the form of biometric immigration documents to foreign (non European Economic Area) nationals.

In the second half of 2009, Government will start to issue cards to British and foreign nationals (including European Economic Area citizens) working in sensitive roles or locations (e.g. airport workers).

From 2010 Government will issue identity cards on a voluntary basis to young people to assist them in proving their identity as they start out their independent life in society.

From 2011/12 Government will start to enrol British citizens at high volumes offering a choice of receiving a passport, identity card or both.

Home Office Minister, Meg Hillier, is hosting a number of consultation events around the country: Reading on 6 May, London on 7 May, and then Birmingham, Newcastle, and Wales.

If you are interested in attending, please email:


Borrow a real-life Talking Book!
Living Library at
Bradford Central Library

In May Bradford Central Library will be hosting the innovative "Living Library" project. Living Library works like a normal library – readers come and borrow a book for a limited period of time and when they have finished they can return it and borrow another. There is one key difference however - the books in the Living Library are human beings and the reader can enter into a dialogue with the “Book”.

Living Library gives direct access to someone else’s experience, by allowing people to ‘borrow’ a person who has experience to share, or is passionate about a hobby, lifestyle or an interest.
Bradford Libraries is one of four authorities to pilot the Living Library in England. The project is funded by the Museums Libraries and Archives Council.

The "books" - which you will be able to select from a catalogue - will share their own life experience of subjects as diverse as being an allotment holder, a composter, former vicar, a carer, a goth, a Munroist, a knitter, a Nightstop worker, or a life-long learner. These are just some examples of the types of “books” that will be available.

So why not come and "borrow" a living book for half an hour and take the opportunity to share a life experience or even gain some knowledge from someone from the local community. Come with an open mind and be prepared to learn something new!

Living Library sessions will be held in the Learning Zone, 1st Floor, Central Library on:
Wednesday May 14th 3.00pm - 7.00pm
Thursday May 15th 9.30am -12.30pm
Saturday May 17th 9.30am - 12.30pm

For more details please contact Christine Dyson from the Information Services Department at Bradford Central Library on 01274 433657.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Setting up a childcare business isn't "child's play", come and listen to the experts and see what support and assistance is available

Date: Thursday 22nd May 2008
Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm
Venue: Carlisle Business Centre, Bradford BD8 8BD

* What is childcare - governments agenda and the childcare legislation
* Working in childcare - children's workforce
* Bradford childcare market - childcare sufficiency
* Childcare Business
* Choosing and finding childcare
* Open question and answer session
* One to one information and advice.

We assess your individual needs and help you take your idea forward.
We provide dedicated business mentors and advisors to give you tailored
We give continued support from start up to growing your business.

To book a place or for more information, please contact Shelley on:
T: 01274 223347 or E:

For more information about the SOW Project contact Attia or Fozia at Digitalife on:
T: 01274 223 347 or E:

For further information about Bradford Kickstart:
T: 0800 953 9503

Related links:


UCAN has a volunteer who is studying as a 2nd year research student in the School of Informatics and wants to gain more experience within the local community relating to data and statistical analysis. He has the skills, but wants more experience in handling a variety of real world data.

Please contact Krzysztof Poterlowicz on k.poterlowicz@bradford.ac.uk
if you could make use of his skills. Please cc me in your email: c.wilson4@bradford.ac.uk

Friday, April 25, 2008


This document can now be downloaded from the Publications page in the News section of the Keighley Voluntary Services website:


Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Do you provide ICT services to your local community?
Do you have learners who find it difficult to use a computer?
Operate a mouse, keyboard or struggle to view the screen?
Do you have learners with disabilities?

AbilityNet are looking for voluntary and community organisations to join the Switched On Communities project within Yorkshire and Humber. 10x VCOs will each receive a mini kit of adaptive hardware and assistive software worth over £500.00. Up to 2 of your representatives will receive training on using the kit, plus the opportunity to receive further training on specialised subjects such as supporting learners with dyslexia, visual impairments, physical disabilities, etc.

You will receive support from AbilityNet and our Community Partner (Foresight, Grimsby). This includes advice, full assessments for individuals who need more specialised support and access to our equipment loan bank. We aim to increase the capacity of your organisation, your services, your staff and volunteers to better support your local community.

If you would like to join the Switched on Communities project or would like more information, please contact Vihing Lee, E: vihing.lee@abilitynet.org.uk M: 07939 926361.

Web: http://www.abilitynet.org.uk


Consultation event, single issue group funding 15 May 2008

From the Regional Forum's website:

Cohesion Guidance for Funders / Consultation Event for BME, LGBT, Age, Disability, Religion & Women’s Specialist Third Sector Organisations

Last summer the Commission on Integration and Cohesion published a report, ‘Our Shared Future’. One of the recommendations was around what it termed ‘Single Group Funding’ (defined as that ‘awarded on the basis of particular identity, such as ethnic, religious or cultural’). This stated that ‘single group funding should be the exception rather than the rule for both Government and external funders’.

This led many organisations to respond to the Single Group Funding issue requesting a rethink and clarification as the recommendation’s impact, put at risk the funding of frontline organisations working with particular groups from a single identity. The Department for Communities and Local Government as part of its response to this report has produced the Cohesion Guidance for Funders which it is now consulting on.

The aim of this events is to shape the National Equality Partnership’s (NEP) response to this guidance by providing us with your views on how these recommendations would impact on your organisation’s work and what do we need to ensure is part of the guidance for it to be fair and appropriate.

To book a place or for more information, email ubc@unityha.co.uk


Tackling Fuel Debt, organisational grants, deadline 16 May 08.

Applications are invited from voluntary organisations in the following areas (identified by the Government indices of deprivation): England - Yorkshire & Humber, Liverpool, Nottingham; Scotland – Borders; Wales - South Wales.

The Energy trust is looking for applications that:

(i) establish, extend or develop the provision of free and impartial debt counselling/money advice services and/or
(ii) provide education in the prevention of debt.

Applications can only be accepted from voluntary sector organisations/registered charities, and not-for-profit organisations. The 2008 round of grants will be for up to two years funding.

The trustees are particularly interested in making grants for innovative projects that provide free and impartial money advice services to householders in debt that:

* target fuel poverty and/or fuel debt
* assist in the production of accurate personal financial statements
* raise awareness of priority and non-priority debts
* negotiate with creditors and/or assist with direct negotiations
* provide clients with independent advice in the areas of housing law, social security benefits, energy efficiency etc
* provide support and guidance through the effects of a wide range of life challenges
* educate debtors in the area of financial rights and responsibilities
* will be able to demonstrate that financial advice has had a positive input and impact on the clients’ situation.

The trust anticipates that the majority of grants will be for under £33,000 per annum. The deadline for applications is 5pm on Friday 16 May 2008.

Questions about the fund can be sent to:

Allyson Broadhurst, Trust Relationship Manager T: 01733 421021 E: Allysonbroadhurst@charisgrants.com

For further information and an application form visit:


or if you need a large print copy ring 01733 421021.


Business Link Yorkshire have published a programme of workshops
for April to June 2008.

Available at:


The wide variety of topics includes:

* Business planning

* Investment readiness

* Financial skills

* Managing money and making a profit

* Taxation and VAT

* Introduction to Social Enterprise

* Business ideas for Social Enterprise

Most of the courses are free of charge. All are open to voluntary and community groups, charities and social enterprises i.e. you do not have to be from a private business to attend.

Courses taking place on the above funding related topics have been entered in the bfunded diary of events (see links in the list above) if the course isn't being run in Bradford, the nearest venue has been entered (e.g. Leeds/ Halifax). Groups can attend any course taking place in Yorkshire and the Humber so there are a wide range of venues to choose from.

For alternative dates and venues or the full training programme visit www.businesslinkyorkshire.co.uk

Places can be booked online or by telephoning Business Link on 08456 048 048.


Venue: Fitzwilliam Community Centre, Wakefield

Organised by the Y&H Rural Affairs Forum, this conference aims to raise awareness of climate change adaptation amongst parish councils and rural communities, with a view to developing projects on a multi-parish level.

The event is FREE and will start at 10am (registration from 9.30am) until 3.30pm. To book your place, or request further details, contact:

Julie Jackson, RAF Secretariat at Askham Bryan College, on yhraf@askham- bryan.ac. uk or 01904 772228 by Friday 2nd May.


Across the country LINks are being created to provide mechanisms for local people to comment on and influence health and social care services. Keighley Voluntary Services, as the host organisation, is recruiting a LINk support team for the next three years. All posts are full time and must be able to demonstrate commitment to equality and diversity. Pension contributions of up to 6% are offered

Salary: SCP 34 £27,594
Main responsibilities:
* Lead and manage the staff team to deliver the LINk contract between KVS and CBMDC, according to NHS guidelines and specifications
* Ensure the LINk is developed and operates according to highest quality
* Build strong relationships between the LINk, commissioners and service providers
Must have: minimum 2 years experience of successful project management, financial planning and budgeting in a relevant field with supreme networking skills.

Salary: SCP 28 £22,845
An essential role to ensure the LINk is informing and communicating with all communities and its partners in the LINk. Main responsibilities:
* Develop and implement a communications strategy including website and database
* Disseminate information to and from the LINk and its partners and ensure best practice. Must have: excellent communication skills across a range of disciplines; track-record of relevant experience and effectiveness.

Salary: SCP 28 £22,845
Main responsibilities:
* Analyse, research & provide information as requested by LINk members, staff and partners.
* Provide additional support and development to the LINk
Must have: relevant experience and some understanding of national health and social care policy and information interpretation, plus excellent communication and networking skills

Salary: SCP 28 £22,845
Main responsibilities: Help to build and support the LINk to ensure its members, volunteers and functions reflect the full range of communities of interest and geography, and work with hard-to-reach communities to stimulate and support their involvement in the LINk. Must have: at least 2 years experience of community work and a track record that shows ability to engage and support people/communities.

CLOSING DATE FOR ALL POSTS: 12 noon May 6th 2008
Interviews will be held weeks commencing May 12th (LBD 1 and 2) and May 19th (LBD 3 and 4).

Email, download or send s.a.e. (A4 size + 52p) for an application pack, quoting the appropriate reference number.

KVS, 135 Skipton Road, Keighley BD21 3AU. T: 01535 665258 E: info@keighleyvs.org

Application packs also downloadable from our website: www.keighleyvs.org

KVS is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from all members of the community.
Charity Reg. No: 1061641


Bradford Speakout
SCP 29 currently £23,749 pa plus 5% contribution to Stakeholder Pension

To engage with individuals who have personal experiences of homelessness and promote solutions to health problems. The project will focus on the Bradford District Public Health Priorities as they affect homeless people.

For more information on this new project work contact:

Phil Cutler, Projects Coordinator BACC 01274 481590 Phil@bacc.uk.com
Neal Heard, Projects Manager BACC 01274 481590 Neal@bacc.uk.com

For an Application Pack Admin@bacc.uk.com or write to BACC Unit 37 Carlisle Business Centre, 60 Carlisle Road, Bradford BD8 8BD.

Closing Date 1st Post Friday 9 May 2008.
Shortlisting will be 16 May 2008.
Interview & Short Presentations Thursday 22 May 2008.

This project work is funded by: Bradford & Airedale tPCT.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Church and Community Fund (Church of England only)

Capital and/or revenue funding is available for projects that seek to strengthen the relationship between a church and the local community, activity should benefit the Church locally and as a whole. Projects must ‘promote, aid and further the work of the Church of England’. The guidance explains: "This does not exclude Anglican projects in partnership with ecumenical or other-faith partners... but it does exclude projects run by secular bodies which have little or no connection to the Church of England and projects in which an Anglican body is not a key player at a local level."

The maximum grant is £15,000. Grants may be awarded on a ‘one-off’ basis or, for revenue projects, the total awarded may be phased over a number of years (usually three). The Fund is sometimes able to offer loans on favourable terms instead of grants.

The deadlines for 2008 are 6th May, 13th August and 5th November.

For further information and an application form visit:
http://www.churchandcommunityfund.org.uk or email ccf@c-of-e.org.uk